Practice Makes Perfect, Right?

Sheesh, I'm trying to get this Photography, Post Processing stuff all figured out. It's difficult for someone like me. I can't grasp it. But I'll keep on long as Jessica will be my subject. The poor thing pops over for a quick minute and I squeal with delight because I finally have something to photograph other than the cats! She rolls her eyes and gets irritated with me because I never have a clue as to what I'm doing.
I'm trying to learn to use my camera in something other than auto mode. Seems I'm always forgetting something. There's too much to remember. Either the white balance wasn't changed (see the blue cast in the close up?) or I forgot to change the's always something. These are my latest favorites. I know they aren't perfect and if you have some CC for me I'd really appreciate it! I'd love to know how to get rid of the blue/green casts without losing the blue in her eyes. So much to learn....
I did get a new 50 mm lense which I think I'm going to like.....if I ever get the hang of it.
I also got Photoshop Elements 6, so I'm trying my best to learn black and white conversions, etc. I used to have photoshop CS2 but I lost it when my hard disk crashed. I didn't want to spend a ton of money upgrading and I read that PSE6 was easier to learn. yeah, right. I spent several days banging my head on the desk, then finally broke down and bought Photoshop Elements 6 for kinda book. Maybe (and that's a BIG maybe) I'll learn something now ...
Ouch! Don't bang your head on the desk! Keep up the perseverance... you *can* learn! I know you can do it!!!! Little by little. :)
(all said by someone who knows nothing about photography.. he he)
you've taken some great shots here Jill! Jess is looking so great!!!
as far as the blue cast,I do that all the time too.
Luckily my MS photo editing program has a color correction adjustment that all I have to do is click the little eyedropper tool on anything it the picture that should be white, and it turns it to true white and then balances everything else against that. Its super handy.
Do you have a microsoft photo editing program? Mine came loaded on my computer with all the basic stuff they load on a computer when you buy it. Its a great little program and much easier than PSE, IMO.
I also use PSE3. I'll look when I get home to see where an ajustment tool like that in there too...Im sure its there somewhere.
These are GREAT Jilly !!!! She is adorable :)
You did an excellent job capturing who she is, Jill!!! I love these photos!!!
Jill, the composition and "feel" to these photos is just outstanding Jill. Remembering all the details will come with time. I'm always checking my photos after a few shots to make sure I've got everything set right. You have a great "eye!"
JILL!!! I'm so proud of you!! These are great! And the blue tone in the first one, you totally meant to do that!!! Pat yourself on the back!
JESS--- You are so dang cute!! Love your glasses-- they look like E's!
My kiddos are dying to come up to Seattle this summer-- we will have to all get together for lunch!
xoxo to you both!!
I think these are fabulous! You've come a long way. AWESOME work! Jess looks AMAZING!!!! :)
Looks to me as if you've got the photography thing DOWN! Those are beautiful shots of your gorgeous girl. Glad to see you really are figuring out that camera.
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