Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Lesson Learned

Back up your photos. NOW!

Yes, I have learned my lesson. 5 years worth of photos lost in an instant. I'm still sick thinking about it. And irritated with myself. I knew better.

So, I decided to reshoot some pictures of Jessica. Look how much she's changed in the past month? Isn't her new hair color and style the cutest?????

Funny story: She called me a couple of weeks ago in a complete panic. Some friends threw her in a pool. Apparently there was an extreme amount of chlorine in the pool because her hair turned green. Jess is a drama queen and always exaggerates. I figured, "well, maybe a little green" WRONG! It was GREEN, like in St Patrick's Day Green!!!

She tried everything....tomato juice, vinegar, you name it. NOTHING worked. Thank goodness she has a good friend who has a nice sister with a kind heart. Sometimes I think things happen for a reason. I think it looks adorable! I kept telling her that she should go a little darker.

Right again!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOVE her new look Jill !!! She is adorable :)

4:54 AM, August 16, 2007  
Blogger Susan said...

I love her hair that color Jill!
I also love that style...gosh shes so dang pretty.
and congrats that she let you take her picture!!

7:05 AM, August 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love that hair style on her. So sorry about the photos!!!

6:35 AM, August 18, 2007  

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