Missing Patrick

This empty nest business is for the birds. Pun intended....but true!
4 weeks from today I'll be on a jet to see my boy. I can't wait! Mike and I switch off years for planning our anniversary celebration. It's my year this year and I figured Burbank CA would be the perfect place to celebrate our 24th Anniversary. Then I figured while we were at it, let's stay until after Mother's Day....might as well, right? Jessica has to work every Sunday so I wouldn't be able to see her anyway. Maybe I can stretch it out a bit and get a day with each kid.
I'm looking forward to seeing his new digs....most importantly I'm just looking forward to hanging out with him. Oh, and please let there be sunshine. I could really use some!
I inclued a couple of my favorite headshots from Pat's portfolio. Break A Leg Patrick! xox
He is looking so grown up, Jill! Hugs to you!!!!!
LOL! My Dad said the same thing when we went to dinner there last year. Have fun on your trip. And, don't forget to take my test shot so Pat can see what he can do for me. Bwahahhahaaaaaaaa
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