Friday, August 17, 2007

Poor Little Hercules

Saturday Mike and I heard a bunch of crows squalking like crazy. It went on and on for the longest time. A few hours later Mike went to investigate and came home with this little fella in the palm of his hand. A baby squirrel!!!!!

We have a few squirrels that hang out in the trees by our house. I love watching them run around the yard, and the way their little noses twitch while eating nuts.

Anyway, Mike spotted a nest where all the commotion was taking place, then he looked down and saw this poor baby. Either the crows had it and dropped it, or it fell out of the nest. Mike brought it in the house to show me. He said it was going to die. He felt bad for it and wanted to put it out of its misery.

I insisted on trying to keep him alive (he was a boy...yes, you can tell!) I searched online and got some information. I also contacted the Wildlife Federation and got some contacts. I found out that WA state has no contact person that specializes in Squirrels, but I did get emergency instruction from the website. I made a little incubator by using our heating pad and wrapping it around a little box. I also made a mixtue of water, salt and sugar to keep him from becoming dehydrated. I had no syringe, so I cut a tiny bit off a little zip lock bag and dripped the water mixture into his mouth. It took forever to get him to swallow anything worthwhile, and he made a little chirping sound when he got mad.

I named him Hercules. He was quite a little fighter, and he needed a strong name.

That evening we went out to dinner with a bunch of people that Mike works with. Mike's warehouse manager is dating Libby's friend, Courtney, who I've known for years. I couldn't belive my luck! She works for a pet store. She owns and rescues every type of animal under the sun. I told her about Hercules and she offered to take over. I was so relieved because I knew he would die soon without this special formula he needed.

I kept Hercules until Monday morning, then went to the Pet store where Courtney works. We made the exchange. Whew! I felt better knowing that he was with someone who knew what they were doing. My entire family kept looking at me like I had two heads. They couldn't believe that I was so wrapped up in keeping this squirrel alive.

Mike would come home from work and give me a Hercules report. I heard that he was really doing well and gulping down the formula. Mike came home with sad news yesterday. Little Hercules died Wednesday night. I guess Courtney was pretty upset. She had saved 4 other squirrels, and she really gets attached to the little critters. He did have a large bump on his side (probably from the fall) and who knows what type of internal injuries he may have had. I was so sorry to hear the news. But I also knew we did everything we could for him.

RIP Little Hercules :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Jill what a sweet story. Sad too, but you did such a good thing. I am proud of you Jilly :)

3:13 PM, August 17, 2007  
Blogger Susan said...

oh :-(
sniff sniff
poor little guy.
I hated crows before, now I really hate them

3:32 PM, August 17, 2007  
Blogger Sue Thomas said...

Oh how sad. I love that you are the kind of person who worked so hard to save Hercules!

5:11 PM, August 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't let them bother you about caring. That's one of the things so special about you and why eveyone loves you - you are caring and will go the extra mile with that care. Rest well Hercules.

6:38 AM, August 18, 2007  
Blogger Ramona said...

That is such a heartbreaking story, Jill. But you can rest assured you did everything in your power to tray and save him!

12:47 PM, August 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww, I Love Animals, Any Kind Will Do And Since I Was 2 I've Wanted To Be A Vet... The Poor Little Thing, Atleast You Tried

12:07 PM, June 23, 2008  

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