Sunday, July 09, 2006

Summer is Here!

It's official...the convertible is out from under the tarp, hard top removed, freshly washed, and polished. I surprised Mike with this car on our 19th wedding anniversary (he has yet to top this one) and although it's kind of a frivolous thing to have (especially in rainy WA state) he really does love taking it during these beautiful summer days.

My brother came rolling up in this car about 3 years ago. He did some construction work for a guy who gave him the car in exchange for payment. I've never seen Mike so into a car before. It was Mike's favorite year/model and I told Mark that if he ever wanted to sell it then to let me know because I'd like to get it for Mike. Well, Mark lasted about 2 weeks then he called me because he loved the idea of my buying it for Mike as a surprise. He said Mike "needed" this car. My brother has every toy on the planet, I think he knew how much enjoyment Mike would get from it. I had squirreled away a chunk of change in my business account (definitely before dml days...haha) so I felt quite pleased with myself that I could just buy it for him with money he didn't even know about.

So, today...after the lawn is mowed and weeds are pulled - we'll be taking a drive in our summer toy :)

(Sorry the images are so bad - seems I'm always taking pictures at high noon!)


Blogger Susan said...

I can see why he'd love that car. What a great gift!
Paul is constantly begging, no make that whinning... for a toy:-)

9:24 AM, July 11, 2006  
Blogger JENNY @ said...

what a ute toy!!! I love it Jill and the story is so sweet =)

11:44 PM, July 18, 2006  
Blogger Sue Thomas said...

I just love seeing that car out of the garage, Jill!

11:33 AM, July 26, 2006  

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